Terms and conditions
Medical Health
• By signing up to The Yoga Project offering you are confirming that you have declared all physical or mental conditions that would prevent you from taking part fully in the classes for which you have applied, or that would disrupt the delivery of the course for you or others on the course.
• When applying for the classes you must advise the teachers of any pre-existing conditions that may affect your training, and any medication being taken with any assessment of how those conditions or that medication might affect your participation in the course. It is at the discretion of The Yoga Project not to accept you onto the course should their assessment be you are not capable of full participation.
• If you have to miss any class due to health reasons, you must inform the teachers via email or text message in advance of that session taking place where possible.
• In signing up to the classes you are acknowledging that participation in physical activity of yoga may result in accident or injury, and that you assume all the risks and responsibility of participating in this teacher training programme.
• The Yoga Project and their staff are not to held liable for any injury or damage that comes as a result of using the yoga studio/residence and its surroundings, performing asana, or using yoga equipment for any purpose
• All deposits paid to reserve a place on a class are non-refundable.
• The balance of the course must be received by The Yoga Project 1 day before the class start date. If this does not happen, your place may be given to another student. In this case no funds from your deposit will be returned. If any financial issues arise in the lead up to the course, please do not hesitate to contact us – we will always listen.
• Payments must be made via The Yoga Project payment processor. Any charges or fees must be covered by you.
All class bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable unless cancelled by the instructor.